Pleasant Title
Laser Scanning offers an excellent method for assessing many of the factors required for internal or external inspection
Using laser scanning technology, inspectors are able to complete their inspections more quickly and more accurately
Laser scanning collects millions of data points. The high-quality data provides a much greater range of reporting options, including impressive visual presentations and rich data sets for doing advanced analysis such as FEA.
Laser Mapping

Laser Scanning for inspections Provide:
Tank Concerns Collects more data faster
More accurate
Verifiable, repeatable, reliable results
More analysis and reporting options
Visual results
Export data to other applications – Excel, Auto Desk, Solid Works
Ability for analysis of asset after it has been put back in service
Laser Scanning Addresses Common Tank Concerns:
Edge settlement
Shell deviations
Damage monitoring
Secondary containment volume
Planar tilt