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  • Laser Scanning offers an excellent method for assessing many of the factors required for internal or external inspection

  • Using laser scanning technology, inspectors are able to complete their inspections more quickly and more accurately

  • Laser scanning collects millions of data points. The high-quality data provides a much greater range of reporting options, including impressive visual presentations and rich data sets for doing advanced analysis such as FEA.

Laser Mapping


Laser Scanning for inspections Provide:

  • Tank Concerns Collects more data faster

  • More accurate

  • Verifiable, repeatable, reliable results

  • More analysis and reporting options

  • Visual results

  • Export data to other applications – Excel, Auto Desk, Solid Works

  • Ability for analysis of asset after it has been put back in service



Laser Scanning Addresses Common Tank Concerns:

  • Corrosion

  • Edge settlement

  • Shell deviations

  • Damage monitoring

  • Secondary containment volume

  • Planar tilt

  • Ovality

  • Bulges

  • Dents

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